Letter from the president 19

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Vienna, May 11th 2023. Dear Colleagues,

First of all I would like to thank my predecessor Jean-Pierre for his valuable contribution to our objectives. I will also express our gratitude to our Norwegian association for the excellent preparation of the meetings. In particular the seminar with former Prime Minister Bondevik was highly appreciated by the participants.

At the Bureau meeting in Oslo there was no time to report and discuss my program. As some colleagues were not able to attend the Oslo meeting it is any way necessary to inform all colleagues what I have in mind for the year of my presidency. From the beginning I would like to emphasize that I want to realize my plans in cooperation with all of you as a team.

Some things are predetermined anyway. In Lugano we will adopt the changes to the statutes initiated by Jean-Pierre Fourré and lead by Mrs Herzet. There is still some drafting necessary in order to have full conformity of the versions in both our official languages. I will not allow voting on diverging versions.

In Lugano the declaration on the role of parliamentary diplomacy with regard to influence of climate change on migration and social policy will be presented and adopted. As these are issues of great public interest I shall do my best to address the local, regional and international press. We need public relations, our work deserves publicity. Lugano may be the start. I would also like to remind you that each delegation can send five representatives to the colloquy or even 6 if another association does not use its full contingent.

Regarding publicity I will pay special attention to our website, www.fpap-europe.org . We should also consider drafting a mission statement of our association.We are the Association of former MPs of the member countries of the Council of Europe that has currently 46 member states, our association counts 23 national associations, meaning there is a gap of 23. With Denmark and Iceland we may reduce the gap to 21. I will continue the efforts to further reduction of the gap.  I see three opportunities to do so.First is the regional approach that succeeded for example in Scandinavia. Bring your neighbours!
Second I will approach the speakers of the parliaments asking them to recommend to the national organization (if there is one) membership to
The third way will be to ask the administration of parliaments to inform us about the existence of a national association, and if there is one, about the contactThe 75th anniversary of the CoE on May 5, 2024 will be, as discussed a highlight for FPAP. I sent you already before Oslo a note with some ideas that are not exclusive. Feedback would be most welcome. I will discuss with the Parliamentary Assembly and I hope to be able to giving you more information very soon.

I wish all of you, delegates and secretariat, a nice summer time and relaxing vacations. See you in Lugano.

Walter Schwimmer, President of FPAP-Europe

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