Intervento della Vice Direttrice Generale Alessandra Perrazzelli al Singapore FinTech Festival 2020.

Economia & Finanza


Intervento della Vice Direttrice Generale Alessandra Perrazzelli tenuto in data odierna al Singapore FinTech Festival 2020.

Di seguito alcuni messaggi principali:

·       In this new world, supervisors and regulators will need to adopt policy tools that allow staying abreast of technological and market developments while overlooking the evolution of the sector and managing new macro and micro prudential risks. In order to do so, many jurisdictions have set up new institutional mechanisms called “innovation facilitators”, which include sandboxes and innovation hubs, that are meant to provide national authorities with new fora for knowledge-sharing with market operators and to support new firms or incumbents with Fintech-related issues.

·       The Milano Hub is another step in the journey of the Bank of Italy in the Fintech world, which started in the beginning of 2017 with the setup of the Bank of Italy’s Innovation Hub (‘Canale Fintech’) and was followed this year by an internal reallocation of competencies related to financial innovation that was meant to create a dedicated Fintech unit and to leverage potential synergies with other Bank of Italy’s functions (especially oversight on payment services and currency circulation).

·       We are planning to launch through the Milano hub, in close collaboration with the BIS Innovation Hub, a new TechSprint initiative which will take place under the Italian G20 Presidency, following in the footprints of the very successful exercise conducted under the Saudi G20 Presidency.

·       In conclusion, in all jurisdictions innovation facilitators will play an important role in testing the impact of innovation in a closed environment and in encouraging the spread of responsible innovation in the financial system. Thanks to these new instruments, policymakers will be able to “cross the river of Fintech by feeling the stones” and to address one by one regulatory and supervisory concerns raised by new Fintech models.


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