Crisis Management during COVID-19 and Impact on EU SMEs – 新冠疫情对欧盟中小企业的影响及其危机管理




Crisis Management during COVID-19 and Impact on EU SMEs – 新冠疫情对欧盟中小企业的影响及其危机管理

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, BenCham and the EU SME Centre are pleased to invite you to a webinar around COVID-19 on Friday March 6, 4 PM Beijing time / 9 AM CET. Given the COVID-19 outbreak in China, nearly all businesses in China have been affected one way or another, be they domestic or international. Hence, what actions can companies take in response to the situation and minimize the financial impact on their business?
中国荷比卢商会(BenCham)、中国意大利商会(CICC)和欧盟中小企业中心(EU SME Centre)在此诚邀您参加3月6日(星期五)北京时间下午4点(欧洲中部时间上午9点)的新冠疫情网上研讨会。由于在中国爆发了新冠病毒疫情,几乎所有在华企业都或多或少受到了影响,无论是国内企业还是国际企业。那么,企业可以采取何种措施应对疫情,并如何使疫情对企业的财务影响降到最低呢?

  1. In this webinar, Grace ShiDirector of TMF Group will explain the newest tax relief policies issued by the Chinese Government to help companies get through this difficult period. She will also share insights about best practices of financial planning for SMEs to support the implementation of their crisis management.


  1. Secondly, Koen NaberDirector at R&P Lawyers, will explain in depth on “How SMEs can negotiate rent relief” during and focus on the implication of Force Majeure in contracts.


  1. Lastly, we invite Raoul SchweicherManaging Director MS Advisory (Moore) Shanghai, to speak about the Chinese government measures to support SMEs during the epidemic period.

Please scan the QR code or email to register.

This event is free of charge. Zoom Link will be sent to registrations one day before the event.
参加本次会议无需费用。在会议开始前一日,将把Zoom Link发送给登记参会者。
Please also submit your questions – if any – in advance to:

  • 16:00 – 16:10: Opening by Peter Pronk, Director EU SME Centre
  • 16:10 – 16:30: Tax Relief Policies by Grace Shi, Director TMF Group
  • 16:30 – 16:50: Negotiate Rent Relief and Implication of Force Majeure by Koen Naber, Director R&P Lawyers
  • 16:50 – 17:10: Chinese Government Measures to Support SMEs by Raoul Schweicher, Managing Director MS Advisory (Moore) Shanghai
  • 17:10 – 17:30: Q&A Session


  • 16:00 – 16:10: 开场致辞:欧盟中小企业中心主任彼得·泊容克
  • 16:10 – 16:30: 税务减免政策:TMF集团总监石晶
  • 16:30 – 16:50: 减租谈判和不可抗力的影响:方旭中国律师事务所总监科恩·纳伯尔
  • 16:50 – 17:10: 中国政府的中小企业扶持政策:马哲顿企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司董事经理饶尔·史伟车
  • 17:10 – 17:30: 问答环节


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